1. Hi Everybody!
    I'm packing all my t-shirts, greeting cards and prints and heading out to Cobourg.


    Come down and say hi! I'd love to meet you.

    I live a lonely existence shipping from my basement.
    I'm not complaining… actually I am, no I'm not, yes I am!

    Come and say hi and keep me company!

    check out the Festival… it's massive!


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  2. I spent 2 fabulous days of the Easter weekend at Gay and Paul's farm house in Arden.
    Helping out with the maple syrup making! 

    Heaven on earth.

    Lots of time was spent tending the boiling sap in the converted chicken coup. Don't be fooled at the shabby chic-ness…. it's pretty high tech at Maple Syrup Inc headquarters!
    Paul pouring sap
    Gay topping up the boiling maple syrup to be.
    Just another day at the office!!
    Gay and myself in the Maple Syrup Inc. waiting room.
    Paul holding up the wall
    Poppy, myself and Paul

    Gay, tree and me
    Gay and Paul 
    ...more hauling
    … more pouring
    Gay making baked beans from scratch…. 4 hours later, baked beans …num num num.
    MMMMmmolassus-y good!

    The front window facing the river, bird feeder and tree housing a cute red squirrel and chipmunk.
    Bird books and binos (binoculars) at the ready.
    View from the outhouse. 
    Container home almost finished. Poppy, Gay and Cedar.
    Found in the barn.
    Gay's sign from her restaurant.

    Nice memory.


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  3. Happy Easter Everybody!

    Canadians love Easter. It's the first holiday of Spring.

    They also love the traditional Easter egg from Laura Secord.
    Oooey gooey goodness.

    Laura Secord was, and is, a celebrated historical heroine who helped win the War of 1812!!

    Happy Spring!



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  4. As a Canadian illustrator specializing in Canadiana, I have an intimate relationship with every 
    point and angle of the maple leaf… 

    Every point and every angle, never drawn the same.

    It's best to have one of those tiny lapel pins to proudly show it off.
    Anything bigger is just, well, not necessary.

    Happy Five O Canada Flag!



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  5. Winter in Canada is kind of wonderful.

    Skating on Grenadier Pond in High Park is more than wonderful.
    There were lots of paths to choose from, some straight some not so straight.

    It's no wonder Toronto is always on a list for great cities.

    If anybody finds a red doggie boot… please let Poppy know.


    Me and Clare… or is it *Clare and I*? …I never know!


    Poppy minus one boot


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