1. Come to CBC Headquarters to shop for Charity this Thursday! 

    Sounds of the Season was a big success last week!

    According to the Daily Bread and Food Bank, by 7:30pm, they raised more than $330,000 and collected more than 18,500kg of food!

    This week I'll be part of the CBC Charity Craft Sale, where they'll raise even more money for the Ontario Association of Food Banks.

    Have you been? It's fun!
    There are lineups for the yummy mennonite mini cookies and the Atrium is filled with more than 65 local artists and makers!

    I'm bringing loads of Christmas cards, prints, mugs and t-shirts!
    Come and see my new items!
    See you Thursday!



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  2. Come and say hi after brunch this Sunday!

    We'll be busy vending all day!!

    I'm excited to be in front of live customers instead of on my own filling wholesale 
    orders all by my lonely self and my dog Poppy.

    Leslieville Flea has loads of funky indie vendors and I'm happy to be one of them!!

    I'm bringing loads of Christmas cards, prints and t-shirts.

    Come and see my new items!

    I'll be there with my gorgeous and charming cousin Margot 
    who can talk the hind legs off a donkey!!!
    …. a good thing ; )

    See you Sunday!


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  3. For all my local friends, please join me tomorrow night, 
    Thursday November 20th
    at the MJG Gallery in Leslieville.

    It's part of the Wanderlust Street Festival!

    I'd love to see you!




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  4. It's a bit late to be posting this, but I just think he's kind of great.... 
    and I want to say that.
    .... the *he's great* bit.


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  5. A few years ago I was asked to illustrate and celebrate Robbie(Rabbie)Burns 200th birthday.

    These images are some of the proposals I illustrated for tea towels.

    Thinking of Scotland this morning, 
    Och Aye 



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  6. My apologies to everyone!

    Having to see Christmas cards in August is just not right.
    for all the store owners out there.... it's absolutely normal.


    designing Christmas cards while wearing shorts and a tank-top, 
    (actually....I don't have a tank-top, I just like to say *tank-top*), 
    is not right either.

    My Christmas card line has grown really big. 

    I now have loads of Canadiana Christmas cards. 

    All made in Canada and all hand *blinged* by me or my little elves!

    This is a wholesale show; trade only I'm afraid.

    I just figured I'd blog about it in case one of you happens to own a store and would like to see my new (exciting) things!

    Take Care,



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  7. One of my favourite things about having a booth at The Cobourg Waterfront Festival on Canada Day weekend
    is meeting a variety of interesting Canadians.

    At this year's festival, I sold my new t-shirt to a lovely woman named Jean who told me she was going to use the image in her hand-made quilt for her friend's daughter.


    Well, it turns out her friend's daughter's name is Natalie Spooner, and she wore #24 when she played on the... Gold-Winning Canadian Olympic Women's Hockey team!!

    Natalie loved it and thought that the hockey player looked like her.

    Natalie is hoping to keep her gold streak going and is currently competing in the
      Amazing Race Canada with her teammate Meaghan Mikkelson.

    Go Natalie and Meaghan!

    : )


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  8. Well, I'm excited to say that tomorrow I take off on my annual canoeing trip!

    Last year at this time we got caught in the tornado-like weather in Algonquin 
    and had to take refuge at The Tom Thomson memorial on Canoe Lake. 

    For that reason alone it was worth the agro.
     Poppy wanted to go but I had to (sadly) tell her no. She'll have to make do in the city. 
    She'll get more than her share of treats while staring at the front door waiting... waiting...

    When I get home I'll tell her all about the chipmunks!

    Loons are kind of special. Nothing is better than hearing one. Especially in Algonquin. 
    Bears scare me. Big time. Especially after I read Bear Attacks. 
    Not a good idea. Don't read it. No.
    I'll have more great news about what's to come in early August!

    Until then...
     have a wonderful summer, full of sunshine, nature, music, and... 
    butter tarts! (runny with raisins!)



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  9. .... at the Fabulous Waterfront Festival in Cobourg Ontario!

    I have loads of new cards, prints and t-shirts!

    The Festival Tent is right on the water next to the marina.

    Come and say hi to Margot and me!!

    mention this blog post and get a free Canadiana pin!!


    Here's one of my new cards celebrating the Canadian Women's Hockey Team in Sochi!
    She Shoots.... She Scores!!
    T-shirts too!!

    Come to Cobourg this weekend!



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  10. In honour of this day, I'm celebrating two Canadian women! 
    .... well, actually, one woman and one TEAM of women!

    Emily Murphy and The Canadian Women's Hockey Team.

    Check out this short short on Emily Murphy, 
    a suffragist who, along with The Famous Five, spearheaded women's rights in Canada.

    This short features the work of a not-yet-famous group of five women: 
    Nat Janin, Paula Schultz, Chandra Bulucon, Pazit Cahlon and me, Wendy Tancock!

    This series is in development, so stay tuned for more animated edification!


    Yaaaaaaay Canada!!!!!

    Soon to be added to my Canadian Heroes card line and t-shirt line!!
    Stay tuned!

    Go Canada!



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