1. I was invited to have a Pop Up Shop in Holt Renfrew this weekend to help celebrate Mother's Day!

    Holt's is having a big Mother's Day extravaganza... lots of good stuff for your favourite mom!

    I'd love to see you! Drop by and say hi!

    Happy Mother's Day!


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  2. Hi Everyone,
    I'm finally able to post a small .... post!  I'm happy to say, I will have a real website up and running shortly.... it is finally going to happen!

    I was delivering Mother's Day cards the other day to one of my favourite stores in Toronto http:/www.outerlayer.com and was pleasantly surprised to be shown a photo of Maggie posing with my new tote! Perfect.

    I've always been fascinated by our queen. Canada's queen. Growing up in Canada, every classroom had this portrait of her on each classroom wall. She was quite pretty.  

    I like the fact that Canada has a Queen. It's our little secret....  another thing to add to the list that makes us different from our friends to the south, I imagine.

    Sooo.... I'm celebrating her Jubilee with this tote. Sixty years doing the job of Queen! I think we should  have a Jubilee day off!

    Call Outer Layer if you'd like a tote.... or a card... or just see the awesome things they sell.

    I've attached my Sparkly Mother's Day cards also available at OuterLayer.  Just in case you haven't bought a card for your mum.

     .... happily modeling my new
    Queen of Canada tote bag!

    Sparkly crown and sparkly earrings.

    Smart. Funny. Beautiful.

    Beautiful, Fabulous, Funny, mum.
    yes, YOUR mum.



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