1. I don't know why... but I laugh each time I see this.... well yeah, 
    I do know.... to be honest, so do my girlfriends!

    Meat + Potato =  My kind of guy.... metaphorically speaking that is. 
    Although... there certainly is a trend to eat meat....  pulled pork anybody?

    Hockey + Beer! Can't get more Canadian than that?
    Really! It's true!
    Complaining about the weather I guess.... I couldn't make that into a Valentine's cards though....
    not yet anyhow.

    Everybody knows Number 99. If you don't.... you're not worthy... 

    ok.... more hockey!
     I polled every guy I knew and they all liked this list but.... a BIG but.... there are a few dozen (hundred) other names I could have added....

    I think I'll do a series of favourite hockey players.  Who ARE the greatest hockey players of all time? 
    Good question.

    Thanks for looking at my new cards....
    I'll post more of my regular Valentine's next blog,

    I just wanted to get these out... and I'm still working on a website.

    Take Care,

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