1. Jo Malone hired me to illustrate their gift boxes for a one day special promotion 
    in Holt Renfrew's flagship store in Toronto.

    Jo Malone is a London-born wonderful line of fragrances, candles, body creams.... 
    a bit of freshly scented heaven.
    Illustrating Jo Malone gift boxes with London icons.
    Most everybody wanted The Tower Bridge or Big Ben.

    It was a great day working with the wonderful staff of Jo Malone in Holt Renfrew.

    It was wonderful to experience the hustle and bustle of such a spectacularly 
    shiny and shimmering store.



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  2. This Saturday, December 15

    I'm going to be at Holt Renfrew (fabulous downtown store) 

    illustrating London icons on Jo Malone perfume gift boxes!

    Come see me! I'd love to say hi!

    Jo Malone is a wonderful, fresh perfume from London.

    I'll be taking requests to hand draw a London icon of your choice. 

    Squiggly, loose, un-perfect drawings guaranteed!

    I promise.


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  3. I'll be selling my new line of Christmas cards Thursday Oct 25
    at The CBC Atrium in Toronto.
    Mid morning to mid afternoon.

    It seems a bit early (before Halloween) 
    but the rules *no Christmas BEFORE Halloween*
     have flown out the window, that's for sure!

    I have loads of great Christmas cards to show you
    and will post them next time (next week)

    I just wanted to say,
    drop by and say hello if you're near the CBC building.

    Take Care,

    Yours Truly,


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  4. I just spent 3 days canoeing and camping in Algonquin Park, 4 hours north of Toronto.

    It was heaven.

    Beautiful blue skies, warm sun, puffy white clouds, green trees, dark blue water.

    Lots of paddling, paddling, paddling. Neat.

    I just thought I'd post this because it's been a while. 

    I hope you like my drawings.

    Have a good August.


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  5. Welcome to Craft Show Season!

    I'm very happy to have a booth in The Beaches Arts and Crafts Show! in Toronto's East end.

    I'll be selling lots + lots of my cards. 

    I haven't done a craft show in a million, no.... billion years!

    sooo.... please drop by and say hi. 

    I'd lovelovelove to see you!!


    My booth is near the bandshell.

    It's supposed to be a really nice weekend. Yay!


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  6. I was invited to have a Pop Up Shop in Holt Renfrew this weekend to help celebrate Mother's Day!

    Holt's is having a big Mother's Day extravaganza... lots of good stuff for your favourite mom!

    I'd love to see you! Drop by and say hi!

    Happy Mother's Day!


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  7. Hi Everyone,
    I'm finally able to post a small .... post!  I'm happy to say, I will have a real website up and running shortly.... it is finally going to happen!

    I was delivering Mother's Day cards the other day to one of my favourite stores in Toronto http:/www.outerlayer.com and was pleasantly surprised to be shown a photo of Maggie posing with my new tote! Perfect.

    I've always been fascinated by our queen. Canada's queen. Growing up in Canada, every classroom had this portrait of her on each classroom wall. She was quite pretty.  

    I like the fact that Canada has a Queen. It's our little secret....  another thing to add to the list that makes us different from our friends to the south, I imagine.

    Sooo.... I'm celebrating her Jubilee with this tote. Sixty years doing the job of Queen! I think we should  have a Jubilee day off!

    Call Outer Layer if you'd like a tote.... or a card... or just see the awesome things they sell.

    I've attached my Sparkly Mother's Day cards also available at OuterLayer.  Just in case you haven't bought a card for your mum.

     .... happily modeling my new
    Queen of Canada tote bag!

    Sparkly crown and sparkly earrings.

    Smart. Funny. Beautiful.

    Beautiful, Fabulous, Funny, mum.
    yes, YOUR mum.



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  8. Here are some of my new cards I've been working on.

    Nothing says Canada and summer better than a good old canoe.

    Most Canadians have a good canoe story. It always contains a bear story, to make it interesting... 
    very interesting. Yes, bears swim.

    My canoe story involves spiders.... well actually Daddy Long Legs (officially NOT a spider) 
    as I've been corrected.

    One early (very early) cottage morning I happily turned over a sleeping canoe on the waters edge.

     Coffee carefully positioned in the middle, I pushed off into the misty lake.


    I'm all alone on the lake. 

    Me and a couple of million, no, trillion DaddyLongLegs.

    That's it.
    My story.

    As a good Canadian, I decided to try curling this year. 

    You'd be surprised how many curling rinks there are in downtown Toronto.

    It's an amazing sport. One sport you can actually drink while participating. I always waited t'il after.
     Something about drinking on really slippery ice with tape on one of your shoes. 

    I like curling so much I added 2 curling aprons to my apron line.

    I couldn't decide which I liked better 

    * i Rock* or *Rock Star*

    .... so I produced two. 

    I also added a curling card. 

    Yup Yup Yup. Hurry Hard! Curling does rock!

    Happy Spring everybody!

    Take Care, 



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  9. I don't know why... but I laugh each time I see this.... well yeah, 
    I do know.... to be honest, so do my girlfriends!

    Meat + Potato =  My kind of guy.... metaphorically speaking that is. 
    Although... there certainly is a trend to eat meat....  pulled pork anybody?

    Hockey + Beer! Can't get more Canadian than that?
    Really! It's true!
    Complaining about the weather I guess.... I couldn't make that into a Valentine's cards though....
    not yet anyhow.

    Everybody knows Number 99. If you don't.... you're not worthy... 

    ok.... more hockey!
     I polled every guy I knew and they all liked this list but.... a BIG but.... there are a few dozen (hundred) other names I could have added....

    I think I'll do a series of favourite hockey players.  Who ARE the greatest hockey players of all time? 
    Good question.

    Thanks for looking at my new cards....
    I'll post more of my regular Valentine's next blog,

    I just wanted to get these out... and I'm still working on a website.

    Take Care,

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