Here are some of my new cards I've been working on.
Nothing says Canada and summer better than a good old canoe.
Most Canadians have a good canoe story. It always contains a bear story, to make it interesting...
very interesting. Yes, bears swim.
My canoe story involves spiders.... well actually Daddy Long Legs (officially NOT a spider)
as I've been corrected.
One early (very early) cottage morning I happily turned over a sleeping canoe on the waters edge.
Coffee carefully positioned in the middle, I pushed off into the misty lake.
I'm all alone on the lake.
Me and a couple of million, no, trillion DaddyLongLegs.
That's it.
My story.
As a good Canadian, I decided to try curling this year.
You'd be surprised how many curling rinks there are in downtown Toronto.
It's an amazing sport. One sport you can actually drink while participating. I always waited t'il after.
Something about drinking on really slippery ice with tape on one of your shoes.
I like curling so much I added 2 curling aprons to my apron line.
I couldn't decide which I liked better
* i Rock* or *Rock Star*
.... so I produced two.
I also added a curling card.
Yup Yup Yup. Hurry Hard! Curling does rock!
Happy Spring everybody!
Take Care,
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