1. Happy New Year everybody!

    I can't wait for the new 2012 to shine it's warm, fuzzy + friendly glow.

    Corny? Yup. oh well....

    Cheers to you!


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  2. Stars shining bright above you

    Night breezes seem to whisper *I Love You*

    Birds singing in the sycamore tree

    Dream a little dream of me

    Wishing you a wonderful holiday!


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  3. I was delivering a rush order to Valhalla Card Shop on Queen St. West 
    and I was pleasantly surprised to see my sparkly Streetcar card had been selected as
    *Card of The Day*

    It's been selling like crazy!

    You can also get it (and all my other cards) at these great toronto shops:

    thelabouroflove.ca Parliament and Gerrard
    www.shopaganda.ca Yonge + Wellesley
    www.outerlayer.com Queen West + Portland, Bloor and Brunswick
    www.themercantile.ca  Roncesvalles Ave.
    www.swipe.com 401 Richmond Ave
    www.ago.net Dundas St. W 
    www.laywines.com Bellair Ave
    redpegasus.ca College + Grace
    www.dx.org  Design Exchange: Bay + King
    www.thepaperytoronto.com Cumberland Ave
    www.sohoframing.com Roncesvalles Ave.
    bergo.ca The Distillery District
    www.bluebananamarket.com Le Tablier Blanc(inside Blue Banana): Augusta Ave, Kensington Mkt.

    Please call me if you have any questions, I'd be more than happy to help,

    Merry Christmas,


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  4. Here's my official poster.

    If you happen to be in Toronto, in the west end.... drop by and say hi!
    It's in my little house, rafters piled high with loads of great stuff!!

    Lots+ lots of crazy magnets...

    Lots of my original porcelain diner mugs. 
    I'm a sucker for a good, solid porcelain mug. Very important.  

    Party wine glasses. yup.
    Very overthetop with sparkly bling.

    The tea pots on this tea towel are based on actual vintage tea pots. 
    Nothing more wonderful.

    I'll have a full selection of my Canadian Everyday cards and also....
    my Canadian Christmas cards.

    I hope you can drop in.

    Wear your touque... it's going to be chilly tomorrow!

    Cheers, W


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  5. I've been working on the new addition to my Canadian Heroes Card Series.

    The only musicians I've drawn so far are Neil Young, Mr. Dressup and The Friendly Giant.... 
    and now, of course.... Leonard Cohen!

    *I ache in the places I used to play*

    Here he is at Glastonbury, rough video but a very special performance.



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