1. I have a new t-shirt!

    I did not plan on adding to the line of Conrad t-shirts.... but, sometimes things happen, that you have no control over.... not necessarily a bad thing.

    So.... I'd like to introduce a new addition to the wonderful world of Conrad!

    The new t-shirt is similar to the original, commissioned t-shirt. His suit is now orange and the type below says ExConrad....

    I have become a Con-vert.

    When I heard that Conrad was teaching his fellow inmates American History, politics, english and possibly latin.... ukulele.... and the piano, my heart melted a bit.

    How wonderful!

    I would be happy to sell my t-shirt to anyone interested in having one.
    Sizes are L + XL
    $24.95 ea
    Excellent quality

    Please email me your request and I'll get back to you promptly,


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