1. Good news!

    My private Canadian-made line will now be represented by a new national sales agency called Stella Sales.

    I’m very happy to be included with Stella’s other great lines of gift, stationery, toy and baby.

    Stella’s principals are Linda Southall, Sherri Southall, Judy Chan and Cathy Nunez.

    They have fabulous (and very friendly...) reps throughout Canada.*

    * B.C. is represented by Rob and Cindy Liebermann
    t: 604 888 5792
    f: 604 888 5792

    Please call Judy Chan if you have any questions .... she would be happy to answer any questions.

    Mother’s Day is coming.... May 10! Order your aprons now!

    Stella’s contact info:
    t: 416 424-4919
    f: 416 422-1040

    Just some business news out of the way!

    Renovation guys have appeared like groundhogs all over the neighbourhood.... along with the sound of saws and hammering.... ahhh the sounds of spring in Toronto!

    Have a great day!


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